Zhenhua Tang (唐振华)

Google Scholar
Lab for Media Computing (多媒体计算实验室)
School of Computer and Information (计算机与信息学院 SDS)
Hefei University of Technology

Email: zhenhuat AT foxmail.com

Short Bio

Zhenhua Tang is a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Prof. Richang Hong at Hefei University of Technology (HFUT) in Anhui, China. He holds a B.E. degree from Hefei University of Technology and an M.E. degree from Shenzhen University, which he received in 2015 and 2020, respectively. He is currently undergoing joint training at the Singapore Management University. His current research interests primarily focus on computer vision and multimedia data analysis, specifically in the areas of human pose estimation, motion synthesis, and AI choreography. He has authored papers that have been published in esteemed journals and conferences, including CVPR, TMM, TCSVT, PRL, ACML, and more.

Selected Publications

Conference && Journal
  • 3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatio-Temporal Criss-cross Attention code
    Zhenhua Tang, Zhaofan Qiu, Yanbin Hao, Richang Hong, Ting Yao, CVPR, 2023.

  • MLP-JCG: Multi-layer Perceptron with Joint-Coordinate Gating for Efficient 3D Human Pose Estimation code
    Zhenhua Tang, Jia Li*, Yanbin Hao, Richang Hong*, TMM, 2023.

  • FTCM: Frequency-Temporal Collaborative Module for Efficient 3D Human Pose Estimation in Video code
    Zhenhua Tang, Yanbin Hao, Jia Li, Richang Hong*, TCSVT, 2023.

  • RepEPnP: Weakly Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation with EPnP Algorithm code
    Huaijing Lai,Zhenhua Tang, Xiaoyan Zhang*, IJCNN, 2023.

  • 2019 && Before
  • 3D human pose estimation via human structure-aware fully connected network code
    Xiaoyan Zhang*, Zhenhua Tang, Junhui Hou, Yanbin Hao, Yanbin Hao, PRL, 2019.

  • An Articulated Structure-Aware Network for 3D Human Pose Estimation code
    Zhenhua Tang,Xiaoyan Zhang*, Junhui Hou, ACML, 2019.

  • Pose-Based Composition Improvement for Portrait Photographs code
    Xiaoyan Zhang, Zhuopeng Li, M Constable, K-L Chan, Zhenhua Tang, Yanggao Tang, TCSVT, 2019.


  • Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia(TMM)


  • Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications(TOMM)

  • Reviewer of the IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (TCSS)

  • Reviewer of ACM MULTIMEDIA(MM,2024)

  • Reviewer of Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision(PRCV,2024)

  • Reviewer of Asian Conference on Computer Vision(ACCV,2022)

  • Employment

  • JD Explore Academy, JD Group,Intern on Algorithm Engineer,2022.07-2023.02

  • Hefei University of Technology, Research Assistant,2020.12-2021.09

  • Shenzhen University,Research Assistant,2020.07-2020.11

  • Marketing and User Research Department, Tencent, Online Practice,2018.10-2019.04

  • Supply Chain Management Department, TPLink, Production Planner, 2015.06-2015.10

  • Hao's Travels, 我的旅途

    • He wants to see the world.
    我的家乡 柳州 凤凰古城 深圳平安大厦 东西冲穿越 北京环球影城 稻荷神社